Endometriose Düsseldorf 2024 – 5 Learnings


Lesezeit: 4 Minuten

Endometriose Düsseldorf Erfahrungsbericht

Themenabend "Leben mit Endometriose"

Ich hatte mich schon lange auf den Abend gefreut und fieberte dem 05. Juli entgegen. Der Abend wurde in Kooperation der Frauenberatungsstelle Düsseldorf und dem Queeren Zentrum Düsseldorf ausgerichtet. Mit Aufregung erfüllt kam ich (über)pünktlich um 17:52 Uhr an der Frauenberatungsstelle in der Talstraße an. Vor dem Eingang traf ich auf eine erste Co-Besucher:in - die Aufregung sank und wir begaben uns gemeinsam in die Räumlichkeiten.

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Endometriosis Immune Systeme Experiences

Reading Time: 6 Minutes

This text was first pubished in German language on 25th February.
I would like to make my experiences and thoughs available on a broader range, so I decided to create an English version too.

Endometriosis - we should talk more open about it

For a long time a blog post about the chronic disease 'endometriosis' has been waiting on my list. I was diagnosed back in 2009. Writing it like this sends a cold shiver down my spine. For 14 years now, the disease has accompanied me in full awareness.

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My Top 10 – Mental Health Movies in German

Lesezeit: 4 Minuten

A selection of my favourite Mental Health Movies in German

Premiere time

With this blog article, I am going to start off a new series on my blog. I'm planning on presenting my Top 10 of things in different blog articels, starting with my Top 10 of Mental Health Movies in German. In addition, I am releasing my first English article today, which makes me proud and excited at the same time.  

Why did I categorize the following movies as 'Mental Health Movies'? Because for me, they all supported me in triggering emotions, I didn't feel in a longer time - or even stronger, which I have never felt before. Topics that carry a strong trigger for me, aspects which make me connect to my deepest feelings, discovering who I am at the core of my soul, what I stand for, what I went through, what I want to live for. Every one of these movies made me reflect, let me feel intense gratitude and initiated another step towards personal development, towards growth. Building mental strength, enhancing the process to resilience. 

My recommended movies are a colourful mix of genres, background stories and creative styles. However, for me they are all connected by covering mental health topics or by helping people with mental health challenges on understanding themselves in specific and the world in general on a higher level. 

Spirituality, Belief, Self-reflection, Self-acceptance, Inclusion, Law of attraction, Determining factors, Transcendentality, Reality, Emotions, Grief, Suicide, Euthanasia, Personal Growth

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